Course curriculum

    1. Course Outline

    2. How to Use This Study Guide

    3. Workbook Download


    2. Part II-Orthodoxy and Orthopraxy

    3. PART III Scaffolding Understanding using Biblical Narratives

    4. PART IV Develop “I can or I will” statements (Affirmations)

    5. PART V Success Criteria

    1. Part I- Unit Scriptures

    2. Part II- Our Relationship to the Gospel and God’s Relationship to Us Orthodoxy-Orthopraxy

    3. Part III-Scaffolding Understanding using Biblical Narratives

    4. PART IV Develop “I can or I will” statements (Affirmations)

    5. PART V Success Criteria


    2. Singleness and Marriage PART II Orthodoxy and Orthopraxy

    3. Singleness and Marriage PART III Scaffolding Understanding using Biblical Narratives

    4. PART IV Develop “I can or I will” statements (Affirmations)

    5. PART V Success Criteria

    1. Part I- Unit Scriptures

    2. Part II-Parenting and Brokenness: Orthodoxy and Orthopraxy

    3. Part III: Parenting and Brokenness: Scaffolding Understanding using Biblical Narratives

    4. PART IV Develop “I can or I will” statements (Affirmations)

    5. PART V Success Criteria

    1. Final Evaluation

About this course

  • $20.00
  • 24 lessons
  • 0 hours of video content

Thinking Through the Bible One-Step at a time.